NI056279 1.10.15 30.9.16 30.9.16 Company accounts Private Limited Company FY true false true false false true false Ordinary 1.00000 iso4217:GBPiso4217:USDiso4217:EURxbrli:sharesxbrli:pureNI0562792015-09-30NI0562792016-09-30NI0562792015-10-012016-09-30NI0562792014-09-30NI0562792014-10-012015-09-30NI0562792015-09-30NI056279ns12:NorthernIreland2015-10-012016-09-30NI056279ns14:PoundSterling2015-10-012016-09-30NI056279ns7:Director12015-10-012016-09-30NI056279ns7:OrdinaryShareClass12015-10-012016-09-30NI056279ns7:Director22015-10-012016-09-30NI056279ns7:CompanySecretary2015-10-012016-09-30NI056279ns7:RegisteredOffice2015-10-012016-09-30NI056279ns7:EntityAccountantsOrAuditors2015-10-012016-09-30NI056279ns5:FixturesFittings2015-10-012016-09-30NI056279ns5:MotorVehicles2015-10-012016-09-30NI056279ns7:OrdinaryShareClass12016-09-30NI056279ns7:OrdinaryShareClass12015-09-30
REGISTERED NUMBER: NI056279 (Northern Ireland)

Abbreviated Unaudited Accounts for the Year Ended 30 September 2016


Abbey Caravans & Leisure Ltd

Abbey Caravans & Leisure Ltd (Registered number: NI056279)

Contents of the Abbreviated Accounts
for the year ended 30 September 2016


Company Information 1

Abbreviated Balance Sheet 2

Notes to the Abbreviated Accounts 3

Chartered Accountants' Report 5

Abbey Caravans & Leisure Ltd

Company Information
for the year ended 30 September 2016

Mr G A Duke


REGISTERED OFFICE: 285-291 Shore Road
Co Antrim
BT37 9SR

REGISTERED NUMBER: NI056279 (Northern Ireland)

ACCOUNTANTS: McIlveen Howard Limited
Chartered Accountants
169a Upper Newtownards Road

Abbey Caravans & Leisure Ltd (Registered number: NI056279)

Abbreviated Balance Sheet
30 September 2016

2016 2015
Notes £    £    £    £   
Tangible assets 2 7,039 7,439

Stocks 1,001,855 990,715
Debtors 18,459 16,447
Cash at bank and in hand 41,510 24,546
1,061,824 1,031,708
Amounts falling due within one year 811,109 794,876
NET CURRENT ASSETS 250,715 236,832



Called up share capital 3 300,000 300,000
Profit and loss account (42,246 ) (55,729 )
SHAREHOLDERS' FUNDS 257,754 244,271

The company is entitled to exemption from audit under Section 477 of the Companies Act 2006 for the year ended 30 September 2016.

The members have not required the company to obtain an audit of its financial statements for the year ended 30 September 2016 in accordance with Section 476 of the Companies Act 2006.

The directors acknowledge their responsibilities for:
(a)ensuring that the company keeps accounting records which comply with Sections 386 and 387 of the Companies
Act 2006 and
(b)preparing financial statements which give a true and fair view of the state of affairs of the company as at the end of
each financial year and of its profit or loss for each financial year in accordance with the requirements of Sections
394 and 395 and which otherwise comply with the requirements of the Companies Act 2006 relating to financial
statements, so far as applicable to the company.

The abbreviated accounts have been prepared in accordance with the special provisions of Part 15 of the Companies Act 2006 relating to small companies.

The financial statements were approved by the Board of Directors on 30 June 2017 and were signed on its behalf by:

Mrs Y Duke - Director

Abbey Caravans & Leisure Ltd (Registered number: NI056279)

Notes to the Abbreviated Accounts
for the year ended 30 September 2016


Accounting convention
The financial statements have been prepared under the historical cost convention and in accordance with the
Financial Reporting Standard for Smaller Entities (effective January 2015).

Turnover represents net invoiced sales of goods, excluding value added tax.

Tangible fixed assets
Depreciation is provided at the following annual rates in order to write off each asset over its estimated useful life.

Fixtures and fittings - 20% on reducing balance
Motor vehicles - 20% on reducing balance

Stocks are valued at the lower of cost and net realisable value, after making due allowance for obsolete and slow
moving items.

Deferred tax
Deferred tax is recognised in respect of all timing differences that have originated but not reversed at the balance
sheet date.

Pension costs and other post-retirement benefits
The company operates a defined contribution pension scheme. Contributions payable to the company's pension
scheme are charged to the profit and loss account in the period to which they relate.

Dividends are included in the financial statements in the period in which they are actually paid.

At 1 October 2015 41,522
Additions 1,359
At 30 September 2016 42,881
At 1 October 2015 34,083
Charge for year 1,759
At 30 September 2016 35,842
At 30 September 2016 7,039
At 30 September 2015 7,439

Abbey Caravans & Leisure Ltd (Registered number: NI056279)

Notes to the Abbreviated Accounts - continued
for the year ended 30 September 2016


Allotted, issued and fully paid:
Number: Class: Nominal 2016 2015
value: £    £   
300,000 Ordinary 1 300,000 300,000

Chartered Accountants' Report to the Board of Directors
on the Unaudited Financial Statements of
Abbey Caravans & Leisure Ltd

The following reproduces the text of the report prepared for the directors in respect of the company's annual
unaudited financial statements, from which the unaudited abbreviated accounts (set out on pages two to four)
have been prepared.

In accordance with our terms of engagement and in order to assist you to fulfil your duties under the Companies Act 2006, we have compiled the financial statements of the company for the year ended 30 September 2016 which comprise the Profit and Loss Account, the Balance Sheet and the related notes from the accounting records and information and explanations you have given to us.

This report is made to the company's Board of Directors, as a body, in accordance with the terms of our engagement.
Our work has been undertaken so that we might compile the financial statements that we have been engaged to compile,
report to the company's Board of Directors that we have done so, and state those matters that we have agreed to state to
them in this report and for no other purpose. To the fullest extent permitted by law, we do not accept or assume
responsibility to anyone other than the company and the company's Board of Directors, as a body, for our work or for
this report.

We have carried out this engagement in accordance with guidance issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants in
Ireland and have complied with the ethical guidance laid down by the Institute relating to members undertaking the
compilation of financial statements.

You have acknowledged on the Balance Sheet as at 30 September 2016 your duty to ensure that the company has kept proper accounting records and to prepare financial statements that give a true and fair view under the Companies Act 2006. You consider that the company is exempt from the statutory requirement for an audit for the year.

We have not been instructed to carry out an audit of the financial statements. For this reason, we have not verified the accuracy or completeness of the accounting records or information and explanations you have given to us and we do not, therefore, express any opinion on the financial statements.

McIlveen Howard Limited
Chartered Accountants
169a Upper Newtownards Road

30 June 2017