Registered Number 04106939


Abbreviated Accounts

31 March 2016

A. & P. BUILDERS LIMITED Registered Number 04106939

Abbreviated Balance Sheet as at 31 March 2016

Notes 2016 2015
£ £
Fixed assets
Tangible assets 2 27,829 13,506
27,829 13,506
Current assets
Stocks 4,500 41,466
Debtors 73,079 42,717
Cash at bank and in hand 98,934 49,844
176,513 134,027
Creditors: amounts falling due within one year (156,811) (117,969)
Net current assets (liabilities) 19,702 16,058
Total assets less current liabilities 47,531 29,564
Creditors: amounts falling due after more than one year (13,804) (7,806)
Provisions for liabilities (5,566) (2,421)
Total net assets (liabilities) 28,161 19,337
Capital and reserves
Called up share capital 2 2
Profit and loss account 28,159 19,335
Shareholders' funds 28,161 19,337
  • For the year ending 31 March 2016 the company was entitled to exemption under section 477 of the Companies Act 2006 relating to small companies.
  • The members have not required the company to obtain an audit in accordance with section 476 of the Companies Act 2006.
  • The directors acknowledge their responsibilities for complying with the requirements of the Act with respect to accounting records and the preparation of accounts.
  • These accounts have been prepared in accordance with the provisions applicable to companies subject to the small companies regime.

Approved by the Board on 30 January 2017

And signed on their behalf by:
A.W. Attley, Director
P.E. Frid, Director

A. & P. BUILDERS LIMITED Registered Number 04106939

Notes to the Abbreviated Accounts for the period ended 31 March 2016

1Accounting Policies

Basis of measurement and preparation of accounts
The financial statements have been prepared under the historical cost accounting rules and in accordance with the Financial Reporting Standard for Smaller Entities (effective January 2015).

Turnover policy
Turnover represents the amount derived from the provision of goods and services falling within the company’s activities after deduction of trade discounts and VAT.

Tangible assets depreciation policy
Depreciation of fixed assets is calculated to write off their cost or valuation less any residual value over their estimated useful lives as follows:
Office equipment 3 years
Motor vehicles 25% on reducing balance
Plant and equipment 4 years

Other accounting policies
Tangible fixed assets acquired under hire purchase contracts are capitalised at the date of commencement of the contract. The total finance charges are written off to profit and loss account on a straight-line basis.
Rentals paid under operating leases are charged to profit and loss account on a straight-line basis over the period of the lease.

Deferred taxation is provided in respect of all timing differences that have originated but not reversed by the balance sheet date. Timing differences for deferred taxation calculations arise when taxable profits are different to those shown in the financial statements due to the inclusion of gains and losses in the tax assessments in different periods to those in which they are recognised in the financial statements.

2Tangible fixed assets
At 1 April 2015 65,769
Additions 25,109
Disposals (18,995)
Revaluations -
Transfers -
At 31 March 2016 71,883
At 1 April 2015 52,263
Charge for the year 9,419
On disposals (17,628)
At 31 March 2016 44,054
Net book values
At 31 March 2016 27,829
At 31 March 2015 13,506

The net book amount of assets held under hire purchase agreements amounted to £27829
(2015 - £11996).