IRIS Accounts Production v17.2.0.336 05189367 Board of Directors 1.6.16 31.5.17 31.5.17 false true false false true false Ordinary 1.00000 iso4217:GBPiso4217:USDiso4217:EURxbrli:sharesxbrli:pure051893672016-05-31051893672017-05-31051893672016-06-012017-05-31051893672015-05-31051893672015-06-012016-05-31051893672016-05-3105189367ns15:EnglandWales2016-06-012017-05-3105189367ns14:PoundSterling2016-06-012017-05-3105189367ns10:Director12016-06-012017-05-3105189367ns10:PrivateLimitedCompanyLtd2016-06-012017-05-3105189367ns10:SmallEntities2016-06-012017-05-3105189367ns10:AuditExempt-NoAccountantsReport2016-06-012017-05-3105189367ns10:SmallCompaniesRegimeForDirectorsReport2016-06-012017-05-3105189367ns10:SmallCompaniesRegimeForAccounts2016-06-012017-05-3105189367ns10:FullAccounts2016-06-012017-05-3105189367ns10:OrdinaryShareClass12016-06-012017-05-3105189367ns10:Director22016-06-012017-05-3105189367ns10:Director32016-06-012017-05-3105189367ns10:Director42016-06-012017-05-3105189367ns10:RegisteredOffice2016-06-012017-05-3105189367ns5:CurrentFinancialInstruments2017-05-3105189367ns5:CurrentFinancialInstruments2016-05-3105189367ns5:Non-currentFinancialInstruments2017-05-3105189367ns5:Non-currentFinancialInstruments2016-05-3105189367ns5:ShareCapital2017-05-3105189367ns5:ShareCapital2016-05-3105189367ns5:RevaluationReserve2017-05-3105189367ns5:RevaluationReserve2016-05-3105189367ns5:RetainedEarningsAccumulatedLosses2017-05-3105189367ns5:RetainedEarningsAccumulatedLosses2016-05-3105189367ns5:PlantMachinery2016-06-012017-05-3105189367ns5:FurnitureFittings2016-06-012017-05-3105189367ns5:ComputerEquipment2016-06-012017-05-3105189367ns5:PlantMachinery2016-05-3105189367ns5:FurnitureFittings2016-05-3105189367ns5:ComputerEquipment2016-05-3105189367ns5:PlantMachinery2017-05-3105189367ns5:FurnitureFittings2017-05-3105189367ns5:ComputerEquipment2017-05-3105189367ns5:PlantMachinery2016-05-3105189367ns5:FurnitureFittings2016-05-3105189367ns5:ComputerEquipment2016-05-3105189367ns5:CurrentFinancialInstrumentsns5:WithinOneYear2017-05-3105189367ns5:CurrentFinancialInstrumentsns5:WithinOneYear2016-05-3105189367ns5:BetweenTwoFiveYearsns5:Non-currentFinancialInstruments2017-05-3105189367ns5:BetweenTwoFiveYearsns5:Non-currentFinancialInstruments2016-05-3105189367ns5:WithinOneYear2017-05-3105189367ns5:WithinOneYear2016-05-3105189367ns5:BetweenOneFiveYears2017-05-3105189367ns5:BetweenOneFiveYears2016-05-3105189367ns5:AllPeriods2017-05-3105189367ns5:AllPeriods2016-05-3105189367ns10:OrdinaryShareClass12017-05-3105189367ns5:RetainedEarningsAccumulatedLosses2016-05-3105189367ns5:RevaluationReserve2016-05-3105189367ns5:RetainedEarningsAccumulatedLosses2016-06-012017-05-31

REGISTERED NUMBER: 05189367 (England and Wales)

Unaudited Financial Statements

for the Year Ended 31 May 2017




Contents of the Financial Statements
for the year ended 31 May 2017


Company Information 1

Balance Sheet 2

Notes to the Financial Statements 3


Company Information
for the year ended 31 May 2017

Directors: Mr M Presley
Mr S C Howard
Mr S Turner
Mr V Smith

Registered office: Coopers House
65a Wingletye Lane
RM11 3AT

Registered number: 05189367 (England and Wales)

Accountants: Haines Watts Essex LLP
Chartered Accountants
Coopers House
65a Wingletye Lane
RM11 3AT


Balance Sheet
31 May 2017

2017 2016
Notes £ £ £ £
Fixed assets
Tangible assets 3 139,385 26,804

Current assets
Stocks 4 5,000 5,800
Debtors 5 353,494 342,864
Cash at bank 36,921 41,461
395,415 390,125
Amounts falling due within one year 6 448,283 375,159
Net current (liabilities)/assets (52,868 ) 14,966
Total assets less current liabilities 86,517 41,770

Amounts falling due after more than one






Provisions for liabilities (25,663 ) -
Net assets 36,930 31

Capital and reserves
Called up share capital 9 4 4
Revaluation reserve 10 117,942 -
Retained earnings 10 (81,016 ) 27
Shareholders' funds 36,930 31

The company is entitled to exemption from audit under Section 477 of the Companies Act 2006 for the year ended 31 May 2017.

The members have not required the company to obtain an audit of its financial statements for the year ended 31 May 2017 in accordance with Section 476 of the Companies Act 2006.

The directors acknowledge their responsibilities for:
(a)ensuring that the company keeps accounting records which comply with Sections 386 and 387 of the Companies
Act 2006 and
(b)preparing financial statements which give a true and fair view of the state of affairs of the company as at the end
of each financial year and of its profit or loss for each financial year in accordance with the requirements of
Sections 394 and 395 and which otherwise comply with the requirements of the Companies Act 2006 relating to
financial statements, so far as applicable to the company.

The financial statements have been prepared and delivered in accordance with the provisions of Part 15 of the Companies Act 2006 relating to small companies.

In accordance with Section 444 of the Companies Act 2006, the Income Statement has not been delivered.

The financial statements were approved by the Board of Directors on 14 July 2017 and were signed on its behalf by:

Mr V Smith - Director


Notes to the Financial Statements
for the year ended 31 May 2017

1. Statutory information

4 Print Finishers Ltd is a private company, limited by shares , registered in England and Wales. The company's
registered number and registered office address can be found on the Company Information page.

2. Accounting policies

Basis of preparing the financial statements
These financial statements have been prepared in accordance with the provisions of Section 1A "Small Entities" of Financial Reporting Standard 102 "The Financial Reporting Standard applicable in the UK and Republic of Ireland" and the Companies Act 2006. The financial statements have been prepared under the historical cost convention as modified by the revaluation of certain assets.

This is the first year in which the financial statements have been prepared under FRS 102. Transition to FRS
102 has not resulted in any changes in accounting policies, amounts stated in the Statement of Comprehensive
Income or balances held in equity.

Turnover is measured at the fair value of the consideration received or receivable, excluding discounts, rebates,
value added tax and other sales taxes.

Tangible fixed assets
Depreciation is provided at the following annual rates in order to write off each asset over its estimated useful life.
Plant and machinery - 20% on reducing balance
Fixtures and fittings - 25% on cost
Computer equipment - 20% on reducing balance

Stocks and work in progress
Stocks and work in progress are valued at the lower of cost and net realisable value after making due
allowance for obsolete and slow-moving stocks. Cost includes all direct costs and an appropriate proportion of
fixed and variable overheads.

Pension costs and other post-retirement benefits
The company operates a defined contribution pension scheme. Contributions payable to the company's
pension scheme are charged to profit or loss in the period to which they relate.

Going concern
These financial statements have been prepared on a going concern basis on the grounds that the directors will
continue to support the company for a period of no less than twelve months.


Notes to the Financial Statements - continued
for the year ended 31 May 2017

3. Tangible fixed assets
Plant and and Computer
machinery fittings equipment Totals
£ £ £ £
Cost or valuation
At 1 June 2016 264,818 10,520 6,801 282,139
Revaluations 117,942 - - 117,942
At 31 May 2017 382,760 10,520 6,801 400,081
At 1 June 2016 239,108 10,519 5,708 255,335
Charge for year 5,142 - 219 5,361
At 31 May 2017 244,250 10,519 5,927 260,696
Net book value
At 31 May 2017 138,510 1 874 139,385
At 31 May 2016 25,710 1 1,093 26,804

Cost or valuation at 31 May 2017 is represented by:

Plant and and Computer
machinery fittings equipment Totals
£ £ £ £
Valuation in 2017 117,942 - - 117,942
Cost 264,818 10,520 6,801 282,139
382,760 10,520 6,801 400,081

4. Stocks
2017 2016
£ £
Finished goods 5,000 5,800

5. Debtors: amounts falling due within one year
2017 2016
£ £
Trade debtors 294,736 270,970
Directors' loan accounts 40,680 55,868
Tax 10,137 10,137
Prepayments and accrued income 7,941 5,889
353,494 342,864


Notes to the Financial Statements - continued
for the year ended 31 May 2017

6. Creditors: amounts falling due within one year
2017 2016
£ £
Bank loans and overdrafts 17,820 17,815
Trade creditors 154,965 77,921
Tax 102 13,081
Social security and other taxes 9,548 6,800
VAT 28,467 43,477
Other creditors 232,381 212,065
Accruals and deferred income 5,000 4,000
448,283 375,159

7. Creditors: amounts falling due after more than one year
2017 2016
£ £
Bank loans - 2-5 years 23,924 41,739

8. Leasing agreements

Minimum lease payments under non-cancellable operating leases fall due as follows:
2017 2016
£ £
Within one year 78,864 78,864
Between one and five years 9,858 88,722
88,722 167,586

9. Called up share capital

Allotted, issued and fully paid:
Number: Class: Nominal 2017 2016
value: £ £
4 Ordinary £1 4 4

10. Reserves
Retained Revaluation
earnings reserve Totals
£ £ £

At 1 June 2016 27 - 27
Deficit for the year (81,043 ) (81,043 )
Revaluation addition - 117,942 117,942
At 31 May 2017 (81,016 ) 117,942 36,926

11. Directors' advances, credits and guarantees

Included within other debtors due within one year are the following amounts due to the company from the
company directors. Interest is charged at 3% on the overdrawn balance.

Mr M Presley - £10,170 (2016 - £12,591)
Mr S Howard - £10,170 (2016 - £14,361)
Mr S Turner - £10,170 (2016 - £14,627)
Mr V Smith - £10,170 (2016 - £14,289)


Notes to the Financial Statements - continued
for the year ended 31 May 2017

12. Ultimate controlling party

The company was controlled by the directors.